
In anticipation of the culmination of the Turtle Doves’ return in the Ionian Islands, HOS / BirdLife Greece made one more public plea to the state and local authorities to...
New data from the Messolonghi lagoon bring hope for the protected species’ breeding status A mission for tagging Dalmatian Pelicans was successfully carried out by HOS/BirdLife...
Take part in the public consultation of the European Commission and prevent the environmental crime threatening the ‘Galapagos of the Mediterranean’! An unprecedented...
Launch of EU-funded project raises awareness and strengthens national capacities to fight the problem of wildlife poisoning in the Balkans, which is one of the most important...
During June, waterbirds belonging to protected species were discovered dead in three occasions, due to collision with power lines inside the protected area of the Mesolonghi...
  “Athena” is a special –and valuable– partner for the Hellenic Ornithological Society/BirdLife Greece; this female Turtle Dove, tagged with a satellite transmitter in...
April 5th to 6th was a disastrous night for migratory birds. Very strong northerly winds and low temperatures followed several days of adverse spring weather and persistent rain...
The Hellenic Rarities Committee, at its January 2020 meeting, decided to accept the resignations of its members Theodoros Kominos and Maria Dimaki, which thanks for their long...
In a joint letter to the Prime Minister of Greece and the Ministry of Environment and Energy, 12 environmental NGOs and Scientific Societies call for the cancellation of...
The Hellenic Ornithological Society has been working non-stop on Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation for approximately 20 years now, as Greece has been the most important...
Long term conservation work of the Hellenic Ornithological Society/BirdLife Greece in the Aegean has resulted in a great discovery for the most enigmatic bird of the Aegean...
A new report released by BirdLife Europe & Central Asia confirms that the EU will fail to hit its own deadline to reverse the decline of biodiversity, as outlined in its...

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