In the Hellenic Ornithological Society (hereinafter: HOS) we attach special importance to the protection of personal data, and our policy for their protection is in conformity with the EU regulation no. 679/2016 and all other applicable rules.

For this reason, we invite you to read carefully the present personal data protection policy, so that you can understand how and why we collect and store your personal data, and what we do with them.

First of all, we wish to inform you that you can visit the site of HOS without having to notify to us your personal data. You will be asked to do so only if you make a donation to HOS, if you become our member, if you request from us to send you our newsletter, or if you complete and submit to us the complaint form. 

What are personal data?

The term 'personal data' refers to information of natural persons, such as name, address, electronic address, telephone, etc., which allows your identification.

What does processing of personal data mean?

‘Processing’ means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction. 

Are you obliged to give us your personal data?

Obligatory fields of personal data are marked with an asterisk (*). Making available to HOS of any additional data, besides those marked as obligatory, is purely optional.


The data that we collect and process:

We collect only the personal data which are absolutely necessary, and which are suitable for the purpose for which we collect them. More specifically, we collect:

• Data that you provide to us when you fill in the registration form to become a member of HOS or when you renew your subscription, such as name, surname, address and date of birth (as obligatory fields) and telephone, email and profession (as optional fields), or when you fill in the form asking us to send you the HOS newsletter and other news (email).
• Data that concern the method of payment for the payments that you make with HOS, and specifically, bank account details, debit/credit card details and payment details.
• Information that you submit by filling in the complaint form.
• Information that you provide to us when you participate in one of our activities.
• Currently, HOS does not use cookies in its website. However, we are not able to control the information that is automatically collected by the operating system of your computer, such as IP address, operating system, type of browser and other technical information. However, you can configure your browser so that, it will either notify you of the use of cookies from this website, or it will not allow the use of cookies on any occasion. 

How we use your personal data?

Your personal data is used in the following ways, depending on the case:

• To process the payments and to ensure protection against unfair transactions. This also helps in the protection against fraud.
• To enter your membership of HOS or to send you the HOS newsletter through your email.

• To manage your volunteer application or your submission to participate in a conservation action or event that HOS organizes.

• To process your complaint or to contact you with regard to a complaint that you have submitted.

Your personal data is processed only by those strictly necessary from the HOS personnel, who are under the obligation to keep them confidential.


For how long we store your personal data?

Your personal data are stored only for the period which is strictly necessary for the above purposes as they were analysed in detail, or for the period required under a legal obligation (e.g. tax legislation). At the end of this period, your personal data will be fully erased.


Are your personal data safe?

We are committed to safeguarding your personal data. For this reason, we have put in place all appropriate organizational and technical measures in order to ensure the safety and protection of your personal data against any form of random or improper processing, loss or destruction, and unauthorized access. We use the most advanced methods in order to ensure the highest level of safety as far as bank transactions are concerned. These measures are subject to reexamination and amendment where necessary.

HOS will not divulge, transfer, trade, disseminate or in any other way make available your personal data, without your consent, to third parties – natural or legal persons – except for the cases mentioned above and within the scope of obligatory national legal provisions. 

What are your rights?

We collect your personal data with your own free will. In relation to these data, you have the following rights:

• Right of information. This means that you have the right to be informed of whether we process your personal data. If we do, you can request to be informed on the purpose of the processing, the kind of data that we keep, to whom we give them to, for how long we keep them, and on the rest of your rights, such as the right of correction, deletion, limitation of processing and your right to submit a complaint before the Hellenic Data Protection Authority, as it will be analysed further below.
• Right to rectification of inaccurate personal data. If you find that there is a mistake in your personal data, you can submit to us a request to correct them (e.g. to correct the name, to change the address).
• Right to erasure/right to be forgotten. You can request from us to permanently erase your data if they are no longer necessary for the above mentioned purposes, or if, for any reason whatsoever, you wish to withdraw your consent for their processing.
• Right to data portability. You have the right to receive in a machine readable format all the data that you have provided to us, or you can request that we transmit them to another controller.
• Right to restriction of processing. You have the right to request the restriction of processing of your personal data, both with regard to the data that we collect and with regard to the period for which we keep them.
• Right to object and to revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data. You can object to the processing of your personal data and we shall cease it, provided there are no compelling and legitimate grounds that override your right. If you have stated your consent for the collection, processing and use of your personal data, you are entitled to revoke it at any time and for the future.

In any case, you can get in touch with us, by using the contact details that we provide here below. You will not be asked to pay any fee in order to exercise your rights above. 

Under-aged users

The website of HOS is addressed to adults only. Under-aged users of our website who send us their personal data, are presumed to have the consent of their parents or legal guardians. It is recommended that adults supervise minors when the latter use our website.

When do we reply to your requests?

We reply to any question you might have in relation to your personal data for free and without delay, and in any case within one (1) month from receiving your request. If your request is complicated, within a period of one month from the receipt of your request we will inform you  whether we shall need an extension of two (2) more months within which we will reply.

What is the law that governs the processing of your personal data?

The law that governs the processing of your personal data is the Greek law and specifically, the General Data Protection Regulation no. 2016/679/ΕU, and also the national and EU legislative framework that governs the protection of personal data in general.

Right to recourse in case of violation of the applicable law for the protection of personal data

If you are not satisfied with the way we process your personal data, or with the rights relating to your personal data, you are entitled to submit a complaint before the Hellenic Data Protection Authority (address: 1-2 Kifisias av., GR-11523, Athens, telephone: +30 210-6475600, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Ηow you can be informed if there is an amendment of the present policy?

HOS is entitled to amend the present personal data protection policy at any time, in the framework of the applicable legislation. If there are significant changes in this policy or in the way we use your personal data, we shall publish in our website the amendment of this policy before it is entered into force, and we shall inform you in the best way possible. 



Konstantina Ntemiri
52, Ag. Konstantinou Str, 10437 Athens, Greece
telephone: +30 210 8228704
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


HOS personal data protection policy Pavlos

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