
The Hellenic Ornthological Society (HOS), national partner of BirdLife International, together with 12 Greek organisations, co-signed a letter to the European...
The Hellenic ORNITHOLOGICAL Society (HOS) strongly disapproves this year’s Decision regulating hunting in Greece and expresses its grave concern about the intentions of the...
The team of the Hellenic ORNITHOLOGICAL Society is implementing a monitoring project for the Eleonora's falcon, based in Antikythera island, where a significant colony of the...
The Hellenic Ornithological Society (hereinafter referred to as “HOS”), as an nonprofit organization whose purpose is the conservation of wild birds, the areas important for them...
The first "graduates" of the Wildlife Crime Academy in the battle against poison baits. Five representatives of Greek state services are now specialised in the investigation of...
41 pelicans ringed and 8 chicks tagged with satellite transmitter the results of the HOS mission in Messolonghi and Amvrakikos Gulf In the last few weeks, the team of the...
Acoustic sensors record thousands of illegal shootings while Greek authorities claim they hear nothing In spring of 2021, dozens of thousands of turtle doves and other migratory...
Wind turbines are threatening the last Egyptian Vultures of the Balkans One may think that fighting for survival is enough hardship for a wildlife species to endure. Sadly, in...
Experts from 13 countries declare their concern on the planned installation of wind farms in one of the world's biggest colonies of the Eleonora’s falcon   In a...
67 species of seabirds, including endemic and threatened ones, breed and/or winter in EU countries.  And while they return to land to breed, seabirds depend on the marine...
The significance of small Mediterranean islands as obligatory refueling sites underlines new study Published in the latest issue of Animal Migration, a new study by the...
The illegal use of poisonous substances in the environment to target ‘undesirable’ animals depletes biodiversity and threatens public health, yet it continues to go unnoticed and...

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