
The Dalmatian pelican population of NW Greece has been severely affected by an unprecedented outbreak of avian influenza. The outbreak started and is currently in progress at the...
With a powerfully animated TV & radio ad, HOS/BirdLife Greece launched its new nation-wide awareness campaign aiming at putting an END to the trapping and trade of wild...
A new study on breeding birds in the EU shows one out of every six birds over nearly a 40-year period has been lost. Overall, we have lost around 600 million breeding birds in...
The European Red List of Birds 2021 published today Today, BirdLife International released the European Red List of Birds 2021 [1]. The Red List reviews the regional...
After a short break for summer, we returned to Antikythira mid-August for the autumn 2021 ringing season and the long anticipated but always exciting Raptor Migration...
The protection of a globally endangered species now depends on a mobile app! The new Ministerial Decision regulating hunting for the period 2021 – 2022, signed by the Deputy...
A new study shows that supporting a declining population of a migratory vulture with captive-reared young birds every year could delay extinction, and thus afford...
The famous “Cuckoo’s horse” of Epirus, the Egyptian vulture "Aoos" along with his mate, are present for another year in Epirus, Greece and for the first time after many years...
Poisoning, poaching, trapping, collision, electrocution and illegal trade are all examples of severe wildlife crimes that are often overlooked and under-prosecuted. Victims of...
An unprecedented win for environmentalists and biodiversity in Greece, puts an end to constructors’ plans to turn the “Galapagos of the Mediterranean” into wind...
In anticipation of the culmination of the Turtle Doves’ return in the Ionian Islands, HOS / BirdLife Greece made one more public plea to the state and local authorities to...
New data from the Messolonghi lagoon bring hope for the protected species’ breeding status A mission for tagging Dalmatian Pelicans was successfully carried out by HOS/BirdLife...

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