The Hellenic ORNITHOLOGICAL Society (HOS) is an environmental, non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of wild birds and their habitats in Greece, considering them as basic elements of Greek nature. Since 1982, HOS strives to ensure a sustainable environment for both birds and people.
We envision a natural environment that is rich in biodiversity, ecosystem services and aesthetic value where no bird species will be threatened with extinction due to anthropogenic causes.
HOS’ mission is the protection of birds and their habitats, through the implementation of science-based actions and interventions, the planning and execution of public information and awareness campaigns, the development of partnerships and the strengthening of the active participation of every citizen and every person.
The following values run through the operation and all actions, positions and decisions of HOS:
• Scientific knowledge
• Ethics/Morals
• Action
• Participation
• Cooperation
• Teamwork
• Consistency
• Transparency
• Accountability