The Hellenic Ornthological Society (HOS), national partner of BirdLife International, together with 12 Greek organisations, co-signed a letter to the European Commission calling for legislation to ensure strong emission reductions by businesses.

As representatives of the civil society of Greece, a country that experienced the dramatic impacts of the climate crisis in recent months through a series of successive disasters, such as devestating fires that burnt uncontrollable for days and unprecedented floods, the 13 Organizations urge the EU to advocate for a coordinated, unwavering and clear climate policy, with a specific focus on the climate footprint of the business sector.All these disasters, had a dramatic impact on the country's economy, society and natural ecosystems.

Most disasters, especially storm Daniel that caused the excessive flooding in Thessaly and other areas, have scientifically been attributed to climate change. However, climate change can no longer be an excuse for inaction or fatalistic adherence to the failed business-as-usual model of high and unreported carbon emissions. In all of Europe, swift and effective action is needed in relation to the environmental footprint of the business sector, with a view to a rapid and robust reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

If the root causes of climate change and environmental degradation in general are not effectively addressed, these impacts are certain to worsen significantly in the coming years. The EU must play a leading role in the fight to achieve climate neutrality and nature protection, by supporting strong environmental and climate policies and strengthening the relevant legislation. However, although emissions from large companies play an important role in amplifying climate change, the EU has taken only limited, indirect measures to incentivise companies to reduce emissions and protect our people, economy and environment from the growing impacts of global warming. 

If the EU truly wishes to protect its people and economy in and beyond Greece, it must take political leadership and support a strong and forward-looking Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive that requires larger companies in all member states to both develop and implement transition plans. Our common goal must be to build resilient, zero-emission economies, through robust policies and regulations that protect the climate and natural ecosystems and shield society from the catastrophic impacts of the environmental crisis.

The co-signatory organisations:

1. WWF Greece

2. Greenpeace Greece


4. Callisto

5. Ecological Recycling Society

6. Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature

7. Hellenic Ornithological Society (Birdlife Greece)


9. Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP)

10. Nomos + Physis

11. Vouliwatch

12. Hellenic League for Human Rights

13. Elliniki Etairia - Society for the Environment and Cultural Heritage

2023 10 Greek civil society letter to EU logos small

Greek civil society urges EU to tackle corporate emissions Georgia

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