Lead ammunition is silently poisoning Europe.           

Lead is highly toxic: it has already been banned in Europe from petrol, paint and pipes because it poses serious health risks. There is no safe level of exposure to lead. Yet, it’s still used extensively in shooting and fishing.

BanLeadNow Lead is poison EN

Every year, 44,000 tonnes of lead ammunition and fishing weights are released into Europe’s environment. This unseen pollution is poisoning our wildlife, endangering human health, contaminating our water and soil, and putting our pets and livestock at risk. 

BanLeadNow Lead poisons our environment EN


In 2021, the European Chemicals Agency recognised the gravity of the issue and proposed a total ban on the sale and use of lead ammunition and fishing weights in Europe for good. 

We are now calling on EU decision makers to finally stop lead poisoning, specifically:

  • European Commission: Release a proposal to effectively restrict the use of lead ammunition and lead fishing weights.
  • EU governments: Support the proposal of the EU Commission once released.
  • EU Parliament: Vote in favour of a strong proposal that restricts lead ammunition and fishing weights.

Why we must ban lead now:

  • Wildlife: Every year, at least one million birds die painful deaths when they ingest toxic ammunition or fishing weights. This includes some of Europe’s most iconic species, like swans and eagles. Millions more birds suffer from the effects of lead poisoning, experiencing pain and distress, affecting their chances of survival.
  • Human health: When lead ammunition is used to hunt, fragments of lead scatter in the meat, putting anyone who eats it at risk. Lead exposure is particularly harmful to those who are pregnant and children, impacting brain development and overall health. Right now, one million children across Europe are at risk of preventable lead exposure.
  • Soil and water: Lead ammunition and fishing weights pollute our soil and water, contaminating entire food chains, including our own, and leaving a toxic legacy for generations to come.
  • Pets: Pets are at risk of lead poisoning from consuming pet food made with contaminated game meat, potentially harming their health and well-being.
  • Livestock: Domestic animals, like cattle and poultry, can ingest lead from grazing on contaminated land, which puts their health and the quality of our food supply at risk.

All this is preventable.

Banning lead in ammunition and fishing weights is the easiest way to avoid pollution. Non-toxic alternatives to lead are now widely available, effective and affordable.  

Now is our moment to finally get rid of this toxic substance across Europe.

Together, we can make Europe a safer, healthier place for people and nature.

Find out more HERE.

Sign this petition and join our call to demand the end of lead poisoning. Lead ammunition and fishing weights must no longer pose a risk to European citizens, environment and wildlife. 


BanLeadNow https://ornithologiki.gr/images/Campaigns/header_banner_BanLead_campaign_ALT_3.jpg Maria
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