More than 300 bird species have been recorded in the Aegean. Several of them live and nest here permanently, and for more than 6 months of the year millions of birds pass through the islands and islets of the region during migration.

This book, first published in 1996 and republished in 2012 with the contribution of the Hellenic Ministry of Rural Development and Food, is updated and enriched with new data and material, but does not aspire to present all these species one by one. Its aim is to highlight the natural character of the Aegean through the fascinating world of birds. This character is shaped by the marine environment, the rocky islets and the bare, rocky areas with low vegetation. It is further enriched by other, less representative, Aegean landscapes, such as oak forests and wetlands. Finally, it is determined by the work local inhabitants, who have largely determined the character of the Aegean birdlife, influencing the landscape and ecosystems.


AegeaISBN: 978-960-6861-16-1

The publication is availlable at the HOS Office in Athens or order online (info[at]

Birds of the Aegean (bilingual) Georgia

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