• How can we approach the wild birds that live in schoolyards? In many different ways!

    The Erasmus+ "Birds Flying High" Project aims to introduce children to the study of wild birds living in the school environment by using a combination of various elements such as the natural environment, cultural elements, art, science and research.

    The Project was implemented during the period 1/4/2023 - 1/8/2024 under the coordination of Almyra - Cultural and Environmental Workshop from Cyprus, in cooperation with BirdLife Cyprus and the Hellenic Ornithological Society / BirdLife Greece.

    BFH all logos

  • The aim of the "Birds Flying High" Project was to design and implement an Environmental Education programme that will help teachers and their students to connect and co-exist with the wildlife around them.

    The educational programme included the design and implementation of both formal and non-formal education activities. Teachers from 10 schools in Greece and Cyprus and their students participated in the activities. During the Project, the teachers gained experience in experiential learning practices, enhanced their skills in non-formal education methods related to the fields of science, arts and environment, and participated in respective workshops and practical applications in order to strengthen the implementation of these tools in the classroom.

    Specifically, the main actions of the Project were:


    BFH seminar Cyprus


    • Implementation of an educational program in the classroom, with activities such as exchange of cards between schools on the wild birds living in schoolyards, observation of birds in nature, construction of wooden artificial nests for birds, artistic creations with birds of the schoolyard.


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    The material produced during the Project will be available on the HOS’ website (section Environmental Education > for Teachers) at the end of the Project.

    You can watch the closing event of the Project and the farewell event of the school year HERE, so you can browse the children's creations that highlight the unique way the educational community embraces actions for the protection of the urban environment.



  • Build a nest for the birds yourself

    Make your balcony or yard bird-friendly

    Birdwatching: how to start!



  • "Birds Flying High" gave wings to children

Erasmus+ “Birds Flying High” Project https://ornithologiki.gr/images/banners/header_banner_kalogeros_GKarkalis_BFH_logo.jpg Maria

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